Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012



Based on the studies, the violent video games affect children concentration more than T.V. according to the website Edward Swung started with the investigation with children who play violent video games and the effects.
A lot of physiologists agree that children of elementary school who play violent video games more than 2 hours per day, have 67% more possibilities to develop attention problems, says The Pediatrics Magazine
The social skills of the children are affected because they develop violent behavior to other persons. They don’t distinguish reality from the fiction, so they act violently with their family and school.
My partners and I think the violent videogames played by children affect their mind and their behavior with the society , but these videogames do not just affect the children, also they can affect adults.  

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The quote of today!!

Fact or Fiction? You Must Drink 8 Glasses of Water Daily

Do healthy people really need liquids even when they are not thirsty?

There's no denying that water is good for you, but does everyone really need to drink 64 ounces or more every day? According to Heinz Valtin, a retired professor of physiology from Dartmouth Medical School who specialized in kidney research and spent 45 years studying the biological system that keeps the water in our bodies in balance, the answer is no.
Valtin says that for people who have specific health concerns, such as kidney stones or a tendency to develop urinary tract infections, drinking lots of water can be beneficial. But after an extensive search in 2002 for the origins of what is commonly referred to as the "8 x 8" guideline and a review of associated health claims, he reports finding no scientific evidence supporting the notion that healthy individuals need to consume large quantities of water. In 2008 Dan Negoianu and Stanley Goldfarb reviewed the evidence for the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. They came to a similar conclusion: "There is no clear evidence of benefit from drinking increased amounts of water."
The Board revisited the question of water consumption in 2004. Its panel on "dietary preference intakes for electrolytes and water" noted that women who appear adequately hydrated consume about 91 ounces (2.7 liters) of water a day and men about 125 ounces (3.7 liters). These seemingly large quantities come from a variety of sources—including coffee, tea, milk, soda, juice, fruits, vegetables and other foods. Instead of recommending how much extra water a person should drink to maintain health, the panel simply concluded that "the vast majority of healthy people adequately meet their daily hydration needs by letting thirst be their guide."
So how much water should you drink? Here's their advice: If you have specific medical concerns, talk to your doctor. But if you are healthy, Rolls recommends that you "have a beverage with meals and drink when you are thirsty." In other words, heed your thirst signals, nd stop feeling guilty for not guzzling those extra glasses.
Are you agree with that? more information go at:

Let`s go at

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if you want to check this web site go at :

The song of today: Rumor has it !!

Friday, July 06, 2012

Pay it forward :)

Pay it forward
It’s an original and interesting movie directed by Mimi Leder and performed by Kevin spacey, Haley Osment and Helen Hunt.
The story began with the teacher of social sciences (Kevin spacey)  assigned to his students  to create a project. Trevor (Haley Osment) used to live with his mother, she was an alcoholic so, wanting to help his mother, he created pay it forward, it consisted to make a favor for someone who has a problem like drugs, alcohol etc.. and the person helped had to help 3 other persons.
He started with his mom, then with his teacher, who has his body burnt. It caused to him feeling unloving. One day his father hit his mom and he tried to defend her so, his father hit him and also set it on gas,
And other person Trevor helped was a boy, who was bullied. Unfortunately, Trevor died in a fight because he defended the boy who was bullied, I didn’t like this par, it made me cry a lot L
I really love this movie and I’d like to read the book, it could be son interesting due to its unconventional story. It made me reflect about help each other without waiting something back. I absolutely recommend it all. 

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Story of stuff!

If you want to join of this project click here :

Check this amazing network,Freecycle changing the world one gift at the time

History & Background Information

A Brief History

On May 1st, 2003, Deron Beal sent out the first e-mail announcing The Freecycle Network™ to about 30 or 40 friends and a handful of nonprofits in Tucson, Arizona. At the time Deron founded The Freecycle Network, he worked with a small nonprofit organization, RISE, which provides recycling services to downtown businesses and transitional employment to Tucsonans in need.
As the team recycled, rather than watching perfectly good items being thrown away, they found themselves calling or driving around to see if various local nonprofits could use them. Thinking there had to be an easier way, Beal set up that first Freecycle e-mail group in a way that permitted everyone in Tucson to give and to get. Freecycle was off and running.
The Freecycle concept has since spread to over 85 countries, where there are thousands of local groups representing millions of of members -- people helping people and 'changing the world one gift at a time.' As a result, we are currently keeping over 500 tons a day out of landfills! This amounts to five times the height of Mt. Everest in the past year alone, when stacked in garbage trucks!
By giving freely with no strings attached, members of The Freecycle Network help instill a sense of generosity of spirit as they strengthen local community ties and promote environmental sustainability and reuse. People from all walks of life have joined together to turn trash into treasure.

Hey! look that it's an amazing kind of dirty art